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Free Shipping In Canada On Orders Over $129
Free Shipping In Canada On Orders Over $129


Motorized Bicycle Canada COVID19 Updates & FAQ: 

Is Motorized Bicycle Canada still Shipping Online Orders (updated April 5th, 2020)?

We are currently shipping out online orders the same day the order is received, or the next day if the order is received after our courier pickups. We will continue to ship orders as long as Canada Post and other couriers are in operation.
As most of you may have heard by now, the Office of Ontario’s Premier has ordered The Mandatory Closure of All Non-Essential Workplaces to Fight the Spread of COVID-19. 
Where does that leave us? 
According to the List of Essential Workplaces provided by the Office of the Premier: 
Motorized Bicycle Canada is part of the group Supply Chains, which means we are a “business that supplies other essential businesses or essential services with the support, supplies, systems or services, including processing, packaging, distribution, delivery, and maintenance necessary to operate.” 
This means that we will remain open during the general closures, and we will continue to supply you with the necessary products. 
Our manufacturers have also been contacted, and they too fall under essential workplaces, meaning our supply and distribution chain will remain generally unaffected. 

Can I place my order online for pickup at the store (updated March 23)?

We encourage customers to take advantage of our free shipping options. As of March 23rd, we are no longer allowing store pickups until the mandatory quarantine is over. 

What measures are being taken to protect staff and customers (updated March 23)?


  • Staff who are sick MUST stay home
  • Staff members who do not feel well are advised to stay home
  • Staff members will wear gloves
  • Staff will clean the sales counter and bathroom fixtures multiple times daily
  • Staff may take additional measures such as wearing masks that make them feel more comfortable working
  • We are looking at multiple options for staff members who are not comfortable working or are at increased risk during the outbreak. No staff member is required to work during this period if they choose. 

Thank you as always for your loyalty & patience as we all try to stay healthy and safe during this difficult time. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to call